ba· sic



forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental

balance design studio creates mindful, joyful spaces using

B iophilic design to connect us to nature

A rt and craft to bolster human connection

S ustainable materials to tread lightly on habitat

I nnovation that enhances experience

C olor that welcomes your tools and treasures

S tyles with no expiration date

…because a home is meant to be lived in

In his book, The Architecture of Happiness, philosopher and simple living advocate Alain Botton suggests that one of the drivers of architectural style is a search for what’s missing in our lives.  Botton also writes about the therapeutic power of art, the destructive power of status, the importance of human relationships, and the potential for our surroundings – the kind of walls, chairs, buildings, and streets we’re surrounded by – to create happiness or misery. 

The BASICS – a design lens – is rooted in human happiness.  I don’t believe that we can truly be happy when we are at odds with our habitat or each other.  So this lens includes sustainability and community considerations. 

And because our modern age bombards us with anxiety-provoking messages that manipulate our identity, the BASICS responds with strategies for deemphasizing status- and perfection-based outcomes in favor of relaxed, nature-based outcomes.

For a deeper dive on how my journey forged this philosophy, read the posts on my blog page.

To learn more about how I can bring this approach to your project, I warmly invite you to contact me.